HR Metrics



  • Marc; your remarks pretty well sum it up. But, this will be nothing more than Don D. getting agitated and running off at the mouth and slinging criticisms and then he will calm down and take a BP pill. Then James will come on and defend the MLS organization and come up with a new slant as to how anonymity allows one the right to con other participants and all we had to do was hit the alert button and they would investigate. The man was exposed and the exposing posts were deleted and his anonymity was protected and we are told that he has the same rights as we do. There's always the MLS slant to it, notwithstanding all of the earlier site-ethics statements about not allowing participants or subscribers to engage in trickery, deceit or profiteering. In the end, it will all be my fault. No matter what the staff says, there is no possible way to defend the gentleman lawyer posing as an HR professional and calling members of his own legal profession "*&%^$&* lawyers". I encourage all participants to be vigilant and challenge posters when yuou think they are not credible. The alert button is hooey. Do it publicly. Peace.
  • Don,

    We've had many Forum members stretch the bounds of anonymity. Some have used multiple screen names to pretend to be different people. Others have abandoned one name to be reincarnated under another name. People have lied about their names, titles, qualifications, and even their gender.

    What do you want me to do about all these people? Even with the Forum Police goon squad and our black Forumcopters, there's no way we could stop all of this even if we wanted to, which we don't. And if we do take action in some cases, we'd do it privately.

    You say this person is a lawyer who deceived you by claiming to be an HR professional. I never saw him claim to be either. Maybe he intentionally misled you. Maybe you jumped to conclusions and made incorrect assumptions about him. No way I'm going to step into that quagmire.

    If he did trick you into helping him, then you have every right to get mad. I sure would. You can post messages that question him, challenge him, or accuse him of being a lawyer. But you have no right to use the Forum to invade his privacy by revealing personal information about him that he wants to keep private. That's what you did, Christy stopped you, and I support her decision.

    James Sokolowski
  • wjlljr, co

    12-08-04, 04:47 PM (CST)
    5 total posts

    "litigation expense statistics?"
    Anyone have any recent 2002 or 2003 statistics with sources about the costs of employment litigation, i.e., defense costs and settlement costs? I am trying to persuade management that it may be better to do a pay-off to a greedy plaintiff than to pay-off the greedy *^&$*%* attorneys.

    James: Protect his privacy? What privacy? Everything in cyberspace is public. The Forum has every right, if it chooses, to try to protect privacy. Participants have every right, if they choose, to discover what they can through the tools available. I don't personally have the tech savvy to root out his identity. A couple of other Forum participants did that. I posted his identity and that was judged in violation of Forum policy. That's fine. That's your right. No problem. You mentioned that you were not aware that the gentleman had posed as an employer or HR person. Shown above is one of his posts, clearly not presenting himself as an attorney, which he is. A reasonable person, reading the post, would probably infer that he works in HR. And I feel he had that intent. In the current thread I felt he was trying to 'string along' a regular participant. Right or wrong, I did what I could to not let that happen.

    Again, we all (except Gillian3) wish there were more attorneys participating. They could learn something. Keep up the usual fine work. Regards and peace.
  • No, I don't mind them participating - just identify themselves honestly and we can decide which view is better - the attorney or the HR perspective.
  • Ha. I was one of the 'lucky ones' who saw it all. I don't think his privacy was invaded; he was only hiding it from others on the fourm. If it was private he wouldn't make that information available out on a website. He simply didn't want US to know who he was.

    By the way Willjr, I hope that powerpoint had some good handouts.
  • Marc: Great class! I see they taught you how to double post. I knew accounting types could do the fast double shuffle and the double talk thing, but this new double post concept is cool. x:-)
  • We are also very good at Double Entry and doing it with balance.
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