
I have utilized the same self evaluation form and employer evaluation form for several years - I'm looking for ideas/examples of what others use - I don't want to recreate the wheel if I don't have to - would anyone be willing to share the tools that they use to evaluate staff? I would appreciate it.


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  • Lynne, I'd like to humbly suggest that the form is simply the output from the larger, more complex program - your performance management program. We underwent a complete revision in our performance management program to better align it with corporate objectives and facilitate the kind of communication and ongoing discussion we think is important throughout the year between employee and supervisor. The form reflects our changed approach.

    To comment on your self evaluation form and employer evaluation form, we incorporated it all into one form. We use the same form for planning objectives, goals, and expected target performance for each at the beginning of the performance year. Then managers and employees meet throughout the year to monitor and update results. At year-end, employees use the same form to complete a self-assessment, which is submitted to the manager for him/her to use to complete the final review.

    Our form helps to facilitate the process of performance management and helped change the thinking from performance management being a one-time, end-of-year review to one of an ongoing dialogue.

    I don't know if any of this helps, and I'd be happy to email you the form we use, but it may be completely inappropriate for your company if your culture and perf mgmt philosophy is different than ours.
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