Help? What can we do?

Our company provides residential supports to individuals with Mental Retardation. Our employees work for 7 days and off for the next 7 days (24 hour days with paid sleeping time). We have an employee who gave her two week notice last week and worked until this AM. The shift change was uneventful but when the 2nd employee checked the documentation page she found that the employee who left did not document anything from the previous week.

Without this documentation we can not bill for the services provided. This is a substantial sum of money. I know we can not hold her paycheck for hours worked but what can we do? Can we hold her PTO check until it is received? Our policy says we will pay it out but it does not say when. Normally we would pay it out on the last paycheck received, in this case the check received on 28 February.

Any other creative solutions to get her to come in and complete the paperwork?


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I would 'sweat her'. That's a card term. Tell her you are holding her final pay and PTO pending completion of required paperwork, which includes her activities for the last week. Tell her that in order for a proper reconciliation of all amounts owed to her at termination, you will require the paperwork you need. I might even put the spin on it that you want to be sure you don't owe her even MORE for the final week of work. Let her sweat it. But, I'll betcha she presents herself at the office. On the mighty slim chance that your balking results in some agency calling you, then be prepared to withold the PTO.
  • I concurr, but with another spin, without the documentation, it appears that your employee did no work that week which means she stood around on the clock. She must prove that there was work accomplished on the employer's behalf; time clocks do not do anything but register TIME.

  • Might also inform her that until she assists with providing the necessary documentation, she'll be viewed as as "not in good standing" at the time of her departure and her reference information will be reflected accordingly. Don's suggestion works very well, however........
  • Thanks once again!!!

    I am going to have the Executive Director call this afternoon as that may also add more to the scare tatic. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it actually works. I'm glad that we have quite a bit of time between now the end of the month.

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