
We have a fairly complex orientation process. A several page checklist makes sure it all happens. I take the final step in the process, usually about a month into the employment. I do a top overview of the process and try to make sure the EE feels comfortable and that we missed nothing. Then I give the EE a chance to ask any lingering question or to clear up any confusion that might exist.

Where do you fit into your process and what steps do you take?


  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • What does a 'top overview of the process' mean?
  • It's a high level assessment of the orientation, both it's effectiveness in delivery and the depth of it's receipt by the EE. I am doing two things with this. First, I am identifying areas that need improvement from the employer's perspective - things that work well and things that don't and personnel that may need some additional training regarding the importance and the purpose of the new EEs orientation.

    Second, I make a determination regarding areas the EE may need some additional information/training.
  • It's equally as important to try to get from the employee, his read on whether and how he benefitted from his orientation. Otherwise, lots of people are wasting their time and resources.
  • I do about the same as you, Marc. Orientation at the start and then a follow-up 6 weeks later. This, of course, is in addition to the supervisor's orientation which is specific to that department and the OJT.
  • Orientation/Training On-the-job, I leave to the department for execusion. I simply overview the award of quality step wage increases within the 60 day training/orientation period. If my schedule of HR things to do causes me to come across the path of the trainee, I will do a verbal quick interview to ascertain how things are going. if we are approaching the end of the 60 day training/training period and there has not been an award of the required introduction evaluation with increase, I will give the remote manager a call and check on the employee's progress and the integration of the trainee into the work force. Which is then followed up on by me, when I next sign the pay checks in the next week. If no change has been made I send an evaluation with status change form to the complex manager for immediate completion; that usually gets things done for a while.

    Hope this helps you decide not to get to tied up with business that could better be handled by the other department managers!!!

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