Heatlh & Non-Smoking Programs

The owner of the company would like to put into effect a weight loss program (by weight or body fat) and stop smoking program. We have differnct locations and would like to involve them all and perhaps use a point system with an incentive to reward them for their participation. Has anyone else out there done a similar program that they would be willing to share?


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I think our owners are twins! Our owner is wanting the same programs. Send me your e-mail and I'll send you the policies I've developed.

    For weight loss we are bringing Weight Watchers at Work in during lunch one day a week. If an employee makes their goal and maintains it for 6 months the company will pay all of their WW dues up to one prior year.

    For smoking, if an employee quits and remains a non-smoker for 6 months the company will reimburse for whatever program they used to stop (patches, hypnotism, etc) up to $1000.
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