applicant tracking

For those of you who have to track resumes and applications on an applicant flow log, how long after a position is filled do you continue to log resumes?

Makes sense if you quit taking walk-in applications if a position has been filled because you can verbally tell the person there is no opening, but in the case of a resume, that respondent has no idea the position has been filled. If you have no vacant positions you don't have to log resumes for a position you don't need to fill. I'm confused. Thanks.


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • You have no obligation to log or track resumes when you are not in an open recruitment period and you are not in such a period after you fill the job, regardless of what the resume sender knows or doesn't know. In our case, if a resume is received after the job is filled, it is treated the same as any other received during the year when we are not recruiting, it is trashed. By the way, the log that you mention is an 'applicant' tracking log, not a resume tracking log. We do not consider people applicants until they fill out an application at our invitation. As we've discussed on here before, you do not have information to add them to the log at the point of resume anyway. People who attempt to establish contact with the company in various ways, include walking in and sending resumes, are not necessarily applicants unless meet the definition of applicant.
  • It has been my understanding that anyone who expresses an interest in an open position is considered an "applicant" and must be counted as such. This would apply whether they filled out an application, sent in a resume or applied on line. Their resume/application must be logged and we are to determine whether they are male/female, and take an educated guess as to whether they are a minority. That's been my understanding of how it should be done. My concern was with resumes that come in after a job has been filled. I don't think we have to keep them since we have no opening once the position has been filled.
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