Need help with my homework!

I am in my last class, Recruitment and Selection, to get my HR certificate. Our homework assignment for tomorrow night is to describe a "ridiculous" policy we have that affects or governs recruitment & selection, present it and offer a revised, improved policy. We haven't got anything that fits - do any of you have a policy or a former one that would fit this bill that I could present?
I wish they would offer a course on Retaining Employees, which was covered in the employee relations class, but I think that's be a good one!


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • We don't have any that jump out. Why don't you make up a clean desk policy? Those drive me nuts! Or how about a no personal photo policy?

  • Thanks to mwild for your help - and I like the clean desk policy. Yesterday a supervisor called from the field and said that our payroll clerk left a report on her desk that listed everyone's hourly rate. He said he and another foreman saw it when they dropped off time sheets. I wanted to ask why he didn't put it in a drawer or NOT LOOK AT IT, but we have to pick our battles. Thanks for the ideas! Linda Emser
  • how about attacking a policy of residency requirements.

    such a requirement narrows eligibility lists,
    excludes top quality candidates from nearby
    cities, doesn't take into consideration that populations can commute much faster nowadays,
    and puts new hires in a negative negotiating situation when having to buy a residence that must be within a city limit.
  • How about an nepotism policy without a corresponding non-fraternization policy?

    That is our situation. We have a couple of instances where fraternization occurs - and even in direct reporting relationships - but since they are not "relatives" as defined in the nepotism policy, the relationships are ignore.

    I think they are ignored to our peril, but my concerns and warnings fall on deaf ears so far.
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