Diversity/Harassment Training

Can anyone recommend a diversity/ harassment training video/workbook series.

My need is immediate, my budget is limited - very limited - and it has to be a video, DVD or CD Rom.

One of my field crews made some very disparing, discriminatory remarks around an African American employee and well, obviously we have an immediate need to correct the situation.

If anyone has used a product in the past that they can recommend, I would appreciate it.



  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • You've come to the right place. We offer a series of videos, entitled "10 Danger Zones" which provide training on 10 different areas of employment law, including diversity adn harassment. The video series comes with a trainer's guide and pocket guides for your supervisors. You can locate it at: [url]www.hrhero.com/videos.shtml[/url].

    Good luck!

    Anne Williams
    Attorney Editor
    M. Lee Smith Publishers, LLC
  • Thanks Ann - I've looked into those before and while I would love to have them, it's just now within our budget right now.

    I'm looking for something a little more "take home", where employees can watch a video or CD-Rom and then follow a booklet. 65% of our ee's are in the field all day, so a class room training product will not work for us.

    I appreciate the recommendation though!! :)
  • One of my favorites is a two-tape series (one for managers, one for employees) called "From Sex to Religion...and everything in between" produced by G. Neil. I think it only cost a hundred bucks or so.
  • If you will put "Diversity Training" into your search engine, you will find lots of resources. Here is one link I copied for you. Hopefully something will be inexpensive enough for you. However, the cost of not having the training will certainly be considerably more if your African American employee decides to see legal counsel.
  • I like "Sexual Harassment: Serious Business: and "Valuing Diversity at the Interpersonal Level" both distributed by Kantola Productions ([url]www.kantola.com[/url])

    However, a word of caution -- Diversity issues and Harassment issues need more than throwing a video and chit chat at staff. Management's commitment to seeing that employees understand why they are important and how they affect the company's bottom line (and thus their salaries) is absolutely vital. Valuing diversity is not only the right thing to do -- it is the smart thing to do.
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