Spanish speaking ee in an english speaking work environment

I just hired an ee who speaks english just fine. However, she is speaking spanish to some of our other ee's who are also bi-lingual. All ee's are english speaking and some are intimidated, leary, or just plain uncomfortable with this new ee when she speaks spanish to a few of the others. It's all done on a personal level, but it makes others uncomfortable. Can I ask this person to speak only in English?

I didn't want to address this but I am getting quite a few complaints from the other ee's. My response to them is she can speak any language she chooses. Is this correct?



  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • If she is speaking to other ee's that are bi-lingual - I'm sure they were talking to each other before she came on board in spanish. Tell them to get over it or take a spanish class so they can join in. Sounds like they are having insecurity issues...

    Have a good day!
  • Also, to give your disgruntled employees a real wakeup call, do a search on this site regarding "English-only" rules. Seems to me this has come up a few times. In response to your question, can you require the new ee speak only English, short answer: No.
  • Sounds like it is time for a Diversity Training. Always a good idea and can be very helpful to a company.

    If that is not possible, teach the English only speakers to welcome the new employee and say:

    "Gee, sounds like you are talking about something interesting -- I always wanted to learn to speak Spanish. I am so envious of those who are able to communicate in more than one language."

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