Flexible Sched

We just started a flex sched plan and already set up procedures on what is required, etc. Does anyone out there have this plan? If so, do you have the ee complete a form for the request? Also, can we ask on the form why they are requesting the flexible schedule?



  • 6 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • A previous employer had some flex scheduling. They had core hours from 9-2. The ee had to request the hours/flex schedule in writing, but if you have a policy in place why would you care what reason they are requesting it for? Would you only approve what the company considered good reasons for requesting flex time? If so, isn't that rather subjective? I don't think you should ask why the are requesting the flex schedule.
  • Yes, your are right. I am just trying to cover my basis. Thank you.
  • We do have an "Alternative Work Schedule" form that a requesting employee completes. Must be approved by the department director and the HR director before approval from the Board.

    The form stipulates that not all positions are eligible for an alternate work schedule. The employee and director are required to explain the merits of the schedule and how it will not diminish service to the public or the department.

    It cautions that although the employee may now be working a 10 or 12 hour day, holiday, vacation and sick are still earned at 8 hours. It is difficult for some to understand that working 40 hours in 4 days instead of five should not earn them additional leave time over those having to work 40 hours in 5 days. This is something that is often overlooked in flex schedules, I highly recommend you maintain equity among the employees.
  • We offer flex scheduling for our non-exempt employees. We have a policy in place that addresses when it is okay to flex, how often, etc. Please give me your email address and I will forward it to you.

  • [email]Ekatsoris@rses.org[/email], thank you.
  • Hey Linda, how about sharing the wealth?

    I would also appreciate a copy

    Muchas gracias.
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