IRS Levies

Is it just me or has there been a big increase on IRS levies in the workplace. We seem to have an exceptional number of people that we receive these notices on...most of them just simply ignore the notice for payment until the very end.

These are the same people with new cars, credit cards and cell phones up the wazoo!

Do any of the rest of you have this issue?


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Occasionally. What always amazes me is that they always cry.
  • Sort of the American Way.
    When I received a levy, I always called the person in, listened to their denials (no Phone calls, No certified mail, etc.). I then advised to go to the Federal Building, work out a deal, and return witha Release of Levy. Always worked.
  • I think it comes in waves as the IRS allocates manpower to the problems. There is a whole set of standard procedures that the IRS goes through before we HR folk ever see them reaching for the persons payroll.

    Yes, everyone has a story. We do as Mr. Bill suggested, however, we also tell them that the very next payroll will have the directed deduction unless they do produce the release. That always seems to galvinate them.

    Then there are those that are so used to these sorts of things, including garnishments, that they know more about the process than we do. Some of them have so few dollars coming to them that we have to constantly watch the minimum wage issue.
  • ROCKIE: We have a lot more these days than in the past. I recognize the improvents in effeciency of the US Government under the Homeland Security actions. The systems going on line are able to identify, track, and go after our citizens and collect what is owed. The SSA is connected with the INS, DOL, IRS, and others (DO Ed) and pulling information from sites without government RED-TAPE to produce a fact of employment and taxes owed. In the last two years we have begun to peg and tap into an employees income to repay for Education Loans and taxes owed. As the US Government gets stronger in security modes we will likewise get stronger on locating our citizens who are riding at the "expense of the tax payer".

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