Criminal Background Check - County Government

I have an employee that was hired without a crimnal background check. The employee did state on his application that he had been convicted of an offense, but fail to list all of his convictions and the extent of each. Can I do a background check on this employee now, to determine if he should be terminated for not listing all offenses? If so, what state (North Carolina)or federal laws, if any, may I refer to.


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Ok, as fishy as this post appears, I'll bite......
    How is your application worded? Does it specifically ask for offense, date, jursidiction and disposition? If not, on what basis will you term for failing to list the "extent" of each?

    How do you know he failed to list all offenses? This to me is the trivial point about your post! I must be missing something!

    Good luck.

  • Question on application is worded as follows:

    "Have you ever been convicted of an offense against the law other than a minor traffic violation? (A conviction does not mean you cannot be hired. The offense and how recently you were convicted will be evaluated in relation to the job for which you are applying. ___yes ___no (If yes, explain fully on an additional sheet)" Whether or not he failed to list them all was hypothetical. I guess I should have said I have reason to believe that he did not list them all.
  • We do the background check subsequent to hire and let each EE know their continued employment is contingent upon the results of the check. This does leave us at risk between the start of employment and the completion of the check, but because of the cost (we are a non-profit with just a couple of nickels to rub together), we have decided to accept that risk.

    This is our policy and is consistently followed with all. I am surprised a County government does not have a consistent policy that it follows with all EEs?

    And finally, having reason to believe there is more stuff sounds mysterious. Be aware that third party sources may have a different agenda than you can be aware of and this may cause you more grief than may be initially apparent. If you singled our one employee out of all your existing EEs to implement a new policy, you may open up Pandoras Box and find yourself deep in "it."
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