Any bankers out there?

We're a $400MM asset bank with 200 employees and 10 locations. We believe we're ready to go with a full-time Security Director, but would like some input from other bankers. Do you have a full-time security director, and what size is your bank. Also, if you'd be willing to share, what salary do you pay? We're also deciding if we need a full-time training director. Any help regarding information on what banks our size are doing would be greatly appreciated.


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • You found another banker. We are approx. $250 with five locations, soon to be six. We do not have a full time Security Director. We do have a Security Officer that is also responsible for our physical facilities. Did I mention that he is the nephew of the Chairman, son of the past president and brother to our current president. You gotta love this small family owned banks..... I get a lot of help from our Missouri Bankers Association. You might check and see if your state has a similar financial organization. They keep all sorts of salary ranges, etc.
    Sorry I was not much help.
  • no, you were some help. I'm really thinking of going with a security/facilitites director. I does make sense. thanks!
  • Dutch: You forgot to mention YOUR relationship. Surely they had a niece who had one HR course in college!
  • Not only am I no "kin" to or married to anyone from this community, I am an out-of-stater. Had two strikes against me just starting out. We moved to this area so my wife could work on her her PhD at the University of Missouri. Hopefully she will graduate this December, just have to get her committee to approve her dissertation and she can finally get this behind her.
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