Award Name Suggestions

We are conducting a three day Managers Retreat in a couple of weeks, focusing on recognition and inspiration. Part of my contribution is an awards ceremony - I am sort of copying the Oscars idea.

The following are our 10 awards and I need snazzy names for each award. Naming an award "growth", for example, is too boring. With all the colorful personalities out there, I'm sure my fellow Forumites will have some creative suggestions. Another suggested name for Growth was "Buisiness Builder". That's kind of the direction I want to go.

1) Staff: nurturing, runs a tight ship, develops staff with potential

2) Customer service: satisfied parents

3) Quality of care: happy and safe children, quality curriculum

4) Financial: runs a profitable business while maintaining quality

5) Facility: ensures a clean, attractive and well maintained building, consistently decorated appropriately (not just for contests)

6) Community: promotes positive image of (company) in the community: charitable work, events, grassroots marketing

7) Growth: builds the business through marketing, selling skills

8) Inclusion program (children with special needs): promotes and embraces program, follows policy

9) Personal development/commitment: long term service, involved in more than just their own location (volunteers to help other schools, corporate, etc.)

10) Spirit: is "all about (company)", enthusiastic about what we do and shows it, gets others on the bandwagon

I don't have any chocolate, but I'll happily fax some pep-o-mint lifesavers to anyone who contributes their suggestions... x:P


  • 11 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Really having a hard time with this, HRQ. The smarta** side of me wants to just take over and suggest silly names, when I know you're serious about needing good input.

    How about the "Total Quality Award" for #3?
    I'm sure the TQM folks won't mind (I don't think TQM is copyrighted)

    "Pep Award? for #10? Or is that too rah-rah-high school?

    I'm just thinking out loud here. Maybe I should stop.

    Are you going to have a Miss Congeniality? x;-)

  • I knew I could count on you, Pook. x:)

    We like rah-rah, and SOME smart-alecky. I even played with including "princess" or "queen" in some of them. Such as "Marketing Queen". (we are all women)

    Ummm - we jokingly tossed around the Ms. Congeniality award idea for some of our more personality-challenged managers. x;-)

  • HRQ: Good to see you back after a long absence. What meds are you on? You've come in with two really energetic, challenging, bonzo, dope-toking ideas. Can you let your meds level off and then post a question? These two are too far off on the 'Art Bell' warp.
  • Good to be back. I am sure I missed lots. (and I'm NOT being sarcastic x:) )

    Who is Art Bell?

    No meds, just sleep deprivation.
  • You could try a spin-off on things like "Best Supporting Actress" or "Director of the Year". Depending on how cutesy you want to get, you may even want to have peers present the awards like they do on TV.

    Get some huge, gawdy trophy-like items from a local trophy and plaque shop to give away.

    On a side-note, I noticed this is Don's 3rd or 4th post with an allude to mind-altering substances in the last few days. Welcome back!
  • I wish I could help you, but the fact that this kind of stuff falls into HR's lap just drives me up a wall. I think I received the best-named award ever at a company function over 10 years ago. If this is too profane I apologize in advance, but it was called...I'm not making this up...."The Filthy F'n Mouth Award," (fill in the blanks) A dubious honor at best, and so I made a few changes.
  • I enjoy it - and I'm not doing the whole retreat, just a share of it. x:)

    Like many of you, most of my job focuses on dealing with problems, or trying to find ways to prevent them from happening in the first place. Focusing on recognition and fun stuff is a nice distraction.
  • Art Bell is a wacko guy who has a midnight till 6 a.m. radio program with guests who have been abducted by brightly lit hovering crafts or had out of body experiences or who believe the Confederate statues throughout the South are actually placed there by aliens who occupy them as watchtowers.

    So, how about an award for "Half My Brain Missing". Or, "Most Transformed During Alien Abduction". I have read many discussions about your employees and know that these two will fit. x:-)
  • 1) Staff: nurturing, runs a tight ship, develops staff with potential (Developing Diva)

    2) Customer service: satisfied parents (Pleased as Punch Parent Award)

    10) Spirit: is "all about (company)", enthusiastic about what we do and shows it, gets others on the bandwagon (Pep in Step Award)

  • Several years ago before I even knew what a computer was, I got ahold of a photo of Otis from the Mayberry show. He was sitting on his horse or donkey, punch drunk. I made up some awards with that photo and under the photo it said, "Otis Campbell Lifetime Achievement Award". This proved to be quite a hoot with the guys I felt good enough to present it to. And they were framed. A couple still have them. Most of their wives destroyed them. Would this work for you somehow?

    Or you could do spinoffs of this with "Heidi Fleiss Lifetime Achievement Award", "May West Lifetime Achievement Award", "Donald Trump Lifetime Achievement Award".
  • Staff - Queen Bee
    Financial - Trump Award
    Facility - Martha Stewart Award (just think how nice HER new facility will look after six months!)
    Community - Outward Bound Award
    Growth - Horizon Award

    Just a few thoughts - Inclusion has me stumped - I just keep seeing a vision of Mother Goose - scary!

    Don - We're very familiar with Art Bell here - a couple of my ee's are really big fans - our safety committee says, "wear your seatbelts when driving - it makes it harder for the aliens to beam you out of your car"


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