Upper mgmt leaking payroll info

I have an office manager who is very close friends to our trainer. Well, our trainer is a gossip guru. Somehow the CEO was informed by someone (outside the company) about wages and salary information on some of our employees. I'm almost certain the "leak" came from our trainer(she is also considered "upper mgmt") who of course gets the info from the office manager. Should I handle this at all or should I question them about confidentiality?

I have talked to both of them before about being seen together so much at work. I let them know that the ee's will not trust neither one of them if they think that each other will tell the other one any personal and confidental information.



  • 8 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Depends on how your CEO feels about it. If he's supportive and agrees that they are most likely the guilty parties, he should, in your presence, tell them that the info is out and the perception is its them and reiterate confidentiality and professional boundaries. Even if they're not guilty (which is unlikely) perception is reality and they only validate it by their behavior. I say the CEO because unless you are their direct upline, it'll just cause bad blood for you to "coach" them. It would be better coming from the CEO. Or, you could just leave it alone because my guess is it won't change their behavior and why waste your breath.
  • I would approach the CEO to handle the concerns for senior leadership handling confidential information. As HR I am the controller of "rules" and "policy", I am not charged with the demonstrated conduct of the senior leadership the CEO is and the CEO is already aware. So sit back and follow the CEO's lead!

  • Excuse me, I thought there is no law that states ee, management or whomever cannot discuss salary amongst themselves? Furthermore, I was under the impression that even if this does happen, they cannot be discpilined or chastised over it.
    educate me!
  • I believe they can discuss their own salaries as much as they want under the guise of the FLSA, but they cannot share confidential information about other employees.

    We have had this "talk" also with payroll and I also have had the "talk" with my HR people who are privy to salary information. They are generally told they are in a position of trust and if information is leaked it automatically points to them, especially if they are always seen in the company of other employees and/or having employees coming in and out of their offices all the time. As one of you guys said, "perception is reality".
  • Rockie is absolutely right on. I, too, have this talk with those who report to me that are privy to sensitive information.

    I paint a dire picture by telling them it's a zero-tolerance policy. I will not tolerate the disruptiveness that it creates.

  • Why does your Trainer need access to payroll information?
  • My trainer does not need access to salary info, but her "best bud", the office manager, does. I believe office manager lets trainer know then the trainer (gossip queen) lets the world know?????

  • It is the CEO that has the first hand knowledge about this situation. As others have advised, he is the one that must sit these individuals down and tell them what he told you.

    Also, he should paint a very dire picture if this occurs again.
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