Evaluation Form for Financial EE's

Does anyone have an evaluation form for employees dealing with finances at your company that you'd be willing to share??

You can email them to me:



  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I am assuming you are referring to a Performance Evaluation/Review. Why would their review be different from say, Marketing? Accounting?
  • Those ee's could fall into the same category...we have a generic form that is OK for basic ee's but we think there must be a better tool for employees handling the financials of a company...

  • We use a 'generic" evaluation form. The first part addresses general work habits such as initiative, attendance, teamwork and the second part has a place to list 'tasks' from the job description. Every employee signs their job description so they KNOW what they will be graded on.
  • Denise - I'll email you what we use, but also will tell you it's the exact same form as all employees use - HR, Finance, IS, Legal, AS, etc.

    The first part captures performance objectives and the target performance levels and the results on those objectives. The second part evaluates competencies and behaviors. The third part focuses on personal development goals.

    All of these are linked to our corporate objectives and what the company has identified as being important for its success (e.g. core competencies for all employees to be evaluated against).

    Not sure that I see any value in creating a separate form for financial people.x:-/ Anyway, hope this helps!
  • Same here we use the same evaluation "form" for all postions. We instruct the Supervisors to be more job specific in the non-fillin the blank aeas.
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