California Laws

Hi! I have been a member of the forum for a while but this is only the second time I have posted a question. I currently work in Florida and the company is in the process of opening an office in California. I was just wondering what if any are the employment laws that might be new or different in California then in Florida.

Any input would be greatly appreciated.



  • 11 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Do you have a legal pad handy? There are many laws peculiar only to California and even more that are peculiar to just California and a handful of states. I don't know what to suggest as to where you can start, but, it is a basketful of stuff awaiting you.
  • A legal pad? Don't you mean a case?
  • Okay so I am going to have my hands full, any suggestions as to where I should start looking.
  • If you have the time (years and years), you can check previous postings on this site. What is clear is there is no state like California. That's the bad news. The good news is that because of the extra aggrevation etc. that will result, you should be entitled to an immediate pay raise. I would answer your question, but I understand that we are limited to one million words. x;-)
  • The laws are very different in California. A note pad wouldn't even begin to cover it. California Wage and Hour Law would be where I would begin focusing in on. I highly recommend Wage and Hour Seminar by Richard Simmons (not the exercise guru). His wage and hour seminar is one day, he is the best presentor of this information I have ever seen. This web site will give you seminar information along with the manuals he has developed [url][/url]. If you can't swing the seminar, the Wage and Hour manual is a must. It runs about $100.00, money very well spent. I buy it everytime he puts a out a new version. It is included in the price of the seminar. Welcome to California! If you can survive HR here you can survive it anywhere!
  • For a diabolically twisted preview of the stuff you're up against do a search on Lexis for employment law decisions in CA. For added pleasure, pay particular attention to any action involving the 9th Circus Court of Appeals.

    All kidding aside, I would probably start at [url][/url] which will take you to the CA Department of Industrial Relations which appears to be CA's equivalent of the DOL. I hope that helps.


  • That should be required reading for anyone wishing to get into the HR profession in California. It should cull out about 75% of them. It's kinda like making a prospective proctology intern watch some of the videos. Well, I do my best to draw comparisons. x:-)
  • Gene,

    Thanks for the information I will check out the side.
  • Just thought I would start you thinking.. Here are just a few of thousands of things you should start looking at immediately:
    1. How their overtime is calculated (by day not week)
    2. Paying vacation when an employee termiantes
    3. Getting employee their final check when they terminate (the day of termination)
    4. State state STD payment (you don't cover this the state does) and it is taken from ee's check
    5. State FML and how paid and handled (actual paid leave through the state.
    6. W/C the form that must be completed and given to the emplyee when an accident/injury/illness occurs.

    Make sure whoever handles your payroll (and hopefully your taxes) is set up and ready to handle CA. (If you are with one of the big companies I am sure it is no problem.)
    This truely keeps you on your toes. Good luck.
    E Wart
  • Thanks alot for your input at least now I have a starting point.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 09-17-04 AT 12:59PM (CST)[/font][br][br]Log on to the Department of Labor's website for California. You can also contact them to see if they have any type of "booklet" that describes the labor laws in California.

    Good luck - California is definitely more EMPLOYEE rather than employer friendly!


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