Conflict if HR Manages Other Depts?

I have been managing HR and Office Services for most of my 12 years here. A recent concern has been raised about the potential conflict when I am both HR Director and Manager of an administrative unit with respect to resolving personnel conflicts between OS supervisor and her staff. I think the concern is that as the supervisor's supervisor and HRD I wear two hats and maybe someone else should wear the other hat where conflicts are concerned.

This is not an abstract situation; my sense is the "complainer" is aware of an ongoing conflict in the department, from the employee, and has an opinion about how objective I can be/am being as I handle this, but it still raises an interesting theoretical question that others must face.

Our grievance policy provides for staff to go to the next level up if there is a conflict such as this, but what do you all do with pre-grievance issues such as situations where the supervisor must give staff warning, staff has a problem with their supervisor (my supervisee), etc?

Anybody in this situation? How do you handle?


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I don't see an issue. The same could be said of employees within HR department whose mgr must also discipline them. I can't imagine that you'd do anything different as HR Director than you would as Manager of that department as far as doing the right thing for the company. You just have an added benefit of not having to convince a department manager of what the right way is!

    And, I would imagine your employer does give an employee the option to jumping above you if they have a concern with how things are handled in any situation. That gives the employee the "out" to explore any concerns or issues beyond your level.
  • I concurr,it takes a stronger HR to be able to handle all issues fairly and without prejudice when managing two different or more arms of the company. However, given you have a sound employee policy manual to follow it makes for a lot more ease.

    I sincerely hope you are being compensated for the extra professionalism you are demonstrating for everyone to witness!

  • You know how it goes, PORK, sometimes it doesn't seem to be enough no matter what it is!!!
  • Right and right, AJ. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing anything. Thanks.
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