Spouses/Families of Military Deployees



  • We really have been all the way around the block on this one, but the issue remains the same. It was easy to predict that supporters would beat the drums for individuals in military service. But such individuals do have many advantages that have been made part of law. Such advantages are because they laid aside their daily business and went out to serve their country at risk of life and limb. USERRA, points on Civil Service exams, and other various veterans benefits are the result. Having said that, my original post mentioned that it was great to be a compassionate employer. This is still true. However, others may have just as great a need for compassion as military personnel. It is also a fact that military service is a choice that does entail wages and benefits. Workers with a sick spouse or parent, victems of spousal abuse, single parents, workers who become seriously ill, or workers who have undergone serious trauma in their lives may all need compassion from the employer. My point is and was that the employer should take a consistent stance. Everybody could have things from the above list happen but everybody will not enter military service. I have had those arguments with supervisors and employees in the past, when compassion called for special treatment. It is a good deal easier to say that "It could be you tomorrow" than to speak only of military service.
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