in-office video surveillance

We are considering purchasing a video surveillance camera to use in our offices, on an as needed basis.
Currently, we are suspiscious that an employee that has access to an office is looking through sensitive info on another person's desk when that person is not in the office.
We could, of course, fix the immediate problem by not allowing access to the office, but our concern is that we would still have this person in the office looking for another opportunity to obtain information.


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Make sure you have a policy in place which alerts employees to the possibility of monitoring. Don't be sneaky about it. We use language that specifically reserves our right to monitor the phone system, computers, network and physical environment.

    Seems like a pretty over-the-top approach when all you might need to do is deny access to that particular office.

    Has the individual been caught snooping around? Has he been talked to about it?
  • We're pretty much on camera all the time...after a while, you forget about it. But we do advise ee's that there is no expectation of privacy here...not the phone, pc, conf. rooms....pretty much just in the bathroom!!!

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