Hositle Work Environment - turned Harrasive

Today, I was given a Jack in the Box employment application completed with my name filled in and in a box that said date hired in was circled and said in all caps NOW.

I was upset - another person saw me - said "If it is any help - I've gotten one before."

I immedaitely took this to one of the owners - he was surprised as well. I was truly upset - as my work environment this summer has gone from bareable to hostiel..now harrassive.

I then questioned the employee who told me he had also received one of these applications exactly the same about a year ago - after he had been working here for 2 months. I have been here 16 months and it showed up today.

I have now sent an email to all three owners outlinging this incident. I don't feel welcome at work - nor do I feel safe. I work for an employer in industry - I am an office area with rougher office people - who obviously don't like me. THe other employee wh ogot his last year is bigger tougher - administrative - but former Navy I guess he can deal with this.

I am quittng tomorrow. I don't want to be here. Who should be called to have them handle this incident? HELP!


  • 11 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • You mention that your working environment has gone from "bearable to hostile" over the course of the summer. Can you cite any specifics?

    My initial reaction is that to leave you a Jack-in-the-Box application as a joke is boorish behavior at worst, but doesn't rise to the level of creating a hostile environment. That's why it's so important to know what has been happening and if this is just indicative of a pattern of behavior to which you've been subjected.

    Also, you don't mention what kind of reaction (other than surprise) you have received from the owners of the company. Do you feel they are supportive of your position?

    Need a few more facts, please.
  • Over the past few months we I have had individuals who were assigned to a committee to work with me on a company picnic who sabotaged the event - nothing was done about their behavior then.

    They didn't follow through on their committments - etc.

    I am the only salaried exempt female employee. All other exempts are male and all others are hourly non-exempt male and female.

    An employee - (I don't know who) reported to the CEo for whom I work that I wasn't at work during times when I was at work (the CEO doesn't come in daily and doesn't come in in the mornings - I rearely see him) I work the entire day from the time I arrrive to the time I leave - never taking lunch leaving the site for lunch errands nothing....it was reported that I had been leaving for hours during the day - which is false.

    I take my daughter to the orthodontist once a month for 1 ot 2 hours depending on the visit and wait time. I was cautioned about "being out all the time" when I asked to take an earned vacation day because I was "always gone" to which I replied I am not.

    So I was told to punch a clock beiginning two weeks ago - no other exempt employee (all males) have been told to punch a clock - and in fact one comes in each day after 9 a.m. (I arrive between 7 and 7:15 - don't have to be in until 7:30)....on the first day of school I didn't even go with my children to see them off - I skipped the teacher orientation meeting held in the morning for fear of my job - one of the exempt males the first day of school came in at 10:30 (I only know this because I was having a meeting in his area when he arrived and declared his daughter was in good hands). He doesn't fera for his job nor punch a clock. There are 12 exempts...which includes 3 owners who do not cme to work 50% of the work week. One doesn't come in 10% of hte work week.

    I am the ony professional female and the others females have had an issue with that from day one. I steer clear and just work..I don't gossip ...they have been gossiping about me...I don't care......

    I've been working for more than 20 yeras and never encountered this type of environment in which I didn't feel good or safe about coming to work.

    The other individual this happened to didn't report it at the time because he didn't want to make waves with his "new employer" or new boss. He only tol dme so I wouldn't feel so bad he said. He was obviously still upset about it a year later.
  • You say you don't feel safe. What has happened to make you feel that way? I feel like the application was the proverbial straw because it does not seem so horrible to me - childish, yes; harrassing, not really. But if this is the latest in a string of "you better quit your job or else" types of threats, it sure does make a difference to me.
  • I feel like someone doesn't want me here..I just don't know who...which is a part of the fear. I am a small white woman who...minds her own business....and don't deal with bullies..I feel very bullied like I need to get out to avoid the something happening to me...I don't feel good about even being here
  • You made it a point to mention your ethnicity in your most recent post. Does that factor into the situation? Are you suggesting some racial motivation behind the harassment?
  • I think that gender is more of a factor - you are the only female and the only exempt punching in and out? That is just wrong, especially since you've surely proven by now that you are pulling 11-12 hour days.
  • I don't want to give the wrong impression. I don't pull in the office 11 and 12 hour days..I work 8 or 8.5 hour days in the office and maybe an additional 3 hours or so a week - depending on the week doing work at home.

    I came to this company to remove myself from traffic and the rat race----they know that - the CEO in fact sold that as a part of the job...pulling regular long hours was never part of the deal and not an expectation. I work from 7 or 7:30 to 3:30 or 4 everyday - no lunch break - in fact I never leave the site - unless I am going to office max or the post office for the company only.

    I leave to be able to pick up my children from work - because they know I am not compensated in a way to also have child care pick my children up from school... One of the ways they got me here was a flexible work day ....out by 3:30 p.m. everyday....but that happens....3 or the 5 days...
  • You can call an attorney if you want. You may have a case of harassment based on gender. I don't quite see it, but you never know. Based on the facts you presented I think you are over-reacting. It was just an application, not a death threat. They want you "gone", but I don't interpret it as 6 feet under. However, I'm not there so I certainly can be missing the boat. Whatever the outcome I hope you get in a happier place.
  • DON'T CALL AN ATTORNEY! SIMPLY GO SEE THE EEOC FOLKS AND MAKE YOUR CLAIMS THERE. You might consider waiting to see what kind of a response you receive back from them. Your postings to day appear to really be concerned for your self. So follow through and quit TODAY!

  • Talk to an attorney immediately. Simply print out this whole thread and pay him a hundred bucks to read it. Let him/her suggest your course of action. The EEOC is not going to champion your cause. And it may be that in your case it is not essential first to go through that agency. Let an attorney guide you. An attorney working for you will have your interest in mind. The EEOC will not necessarily have your interest in mind. They are all about settlements and winning cases and are not particularly attracted to 'small white women' with shakey situations. I don't see your case as particularly attractive to them and I've been involved with them in several dozens of dozens.
  • ethnicity has nothing to do with it - most of the people in the office are white as well...

    but I am not a man, I am not big and intimidating and yes I turned in my two-week notice today to the owner who wan in the office, bu mailbox to the other who is out and by voicemail to the CEO who is not in the office either.

    The owner who received it - asked me to think on it over the weekend. I am still leaving. I have called the EEOC office here in Houston - since the day I was told to punch a clock. They have returned my call only once and didn't leave a number where I could actually take to someone. You only get a recording that says leave your name and number. I have left my name and number everyday for the past 9 days.

    I am not going to change my mind about quitting. The owner I spoke with doesn't want me to leave. He doesn't know if the threat will escalate. He didn't want to this they would.

    I may help them transition - by working a day a week or so - from my home to handle their HR and Marketing - and assistant to the CEO all of which are my jobs here. I am going to start consulting I think....

    thanks for all of your assistance.
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