
I am located in Ohio, and need to know how breaks are allowed. We have employees that get 45 minutes lunch (unpaid). Are we required to also give two 15 minute breaks, or any breaks at all? They work between 8 and 9 hours a day, and the lunch break comes 4 1/2 hours into the day. Please help!


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • If there is a regulation addressing this, it would be your state's statute. You can call your Department of Labor or Department of Employment Security to find out if your state has a law requiring rest periods. But, there should be folks on here from your state. Maybe they are asleep at the wheel.
  • Breaks and other short rest periods of 5 to 20 minutes in duration are common and customarily paid for as working time. Meal periods (usually 30 minutes or more) generally need not be compensated as work time. The employee however must be completely relieved from duty for the purpose of eating regular meals in order for the period to remain noncompensable. If the employee does any work during their mealtime, they must be compensated for it. Ohio law also requires that employers give minor employees who work for five consecutive hours an uninterrupted rest period of 30 minutes, which need not be compensated.

    Hope this helps.
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