Office Shredders

We have 3 small office shredders in use. Does anyone have some type of destruction policy? Does it explain the what, why, when, and how of your destruction practices? We are looking for some guidance that will minimize any hint of impropriety.


  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • We are in the process of developing a document retention/destruction policy. A number of great sources are available on the web...just do a simple search for "document retention".

    Basically, we've determined that any policy begins by defining documents (and don't forgot all those electronic documents!!) and determining how long they should be kept and how.

    Some state's (and federal) regulations will assist in determining how long things should be kept...

    Finally, the method of destruction should be detailed and provisions made for any pending or foreseen litigation.

    It's a big job...and we've even talked about hiring a company to come in and help us!
  • Wow, I gues our major offense of, "Use or removal of FME records without permission," is a little too simple huh?
  • I have nightmares about this project!!!

    Some big penalties have been levied against companies at appear to destroy documents without rhyme or reason...the courts view this with a negative eye...think Arthur Andersen and Enron.

    If it's not in your company plan...maybe it's something to think about.

  • I'm no expert on this, but I think the big deal in most of the document destruction cases is that no one started shredding until they got into legal trouble. If you have a uniform document retention policy, and if you follow it uniformly, and if you're not shredding things you're otherwise required by law to keep, and if you're not currently under investigation, you can shred it.

    Brad Forrister
    M. Lee Smith Publishers

  • Our company's concern became that we didn't have a uniform policy. Each department was doing it's own thing...and we've run into a few situations that a "policy" would have been we've taken on the task of developing one...especially since we've added so much technology in the last 10 years...there is discoverable evidence in places we never considered, cell phones, lap tops, blackberries...the scope is just incredible!
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