Floating Holidays

In Balloonman1's thread about whether or not we give holiday pay for the day after Thanksgiving, several of you wrote that you offer a floating holiday.

Can you describe how this works for your company?

My CEO verbally advised the corporate staff that he wants us to have two floating holidays per year, but nobody else in the company. I need to clarify the benefit in writing, and wanted to know how you guys handle it.

I'm also curious to know if it's legal to only offer the benefit to employees in the corporate office but nobody else.

Thanks for your help! x:)


  • 6 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Originally, employees were provided with Xnumber of holidays per year. For purposes of this example, let's use 12. Now, our holiday schedule covers 10 holidays with 2 floating holidays. 1 of the floating holidays is placed in the employees bank on Jan 1 and should be expended prior to July 1. The second floating holiday is placed into the employee's PTO bank and is to be used prior to the last pay period in the calendar year (accounting purposes). It is surmised that the public policy around this was that in the original plan, no holiday was observed for Easter/Good Friday. Now with a floating holiday, those wishing to use that day for Good Friday may do so.

    Having provided the above discussion, the company added extra days by designating the day after Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, and New Year's Eve as extra paid holidays in addition to the normally scheduled holidays.
  • P.S. The benefit is offered to all employees. There is no distinction between the mfg folks and the exempt professionals.
  • Our floater orginially was established as a set holiday for Martin Luther King Day. After a couple of years of having too many people work that day anyway because of production needs, it was changed to the current floater. Each ee decides when to take the floating holiday - it is typically used as an extra vacation day. Many of us use it around one of the holidays.
  • In our case, we call them "well" days. There are two of them to be used at the EEs discretion. They just call in "well" and they get that day.

    I am tinkering with our policy to only allow this after one year of service and then they get one every 6 months.
  • We also use floating holidays similar to how others describe - they're essentially just two additional vacation days (we offer 8 fixed holidays and 2 floaters). The difference is that employees can't carry over these days if they don't use them (like they can vacation).

    We also offer personal days, but only to exempt employees. You can differentiate (absent any crazy state regulations) in your time off policies.
  • AZ doesn't have any special exceptions to federal wage & hour.

    My CEO only wanted to offer the floating holidays to corporate office staff, (some exempt, some non exempt) and not anyone else in the company. While I appreciate the benefit personally, are we getting into any wierd issues with this?
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