Exit interviews

I believe I saw a discussion on the forum on this recently but did not find it when I searched. Was wondering how many companys out there do an exit interview, who performs it and do you have a form you used that you'd want to share?


  • 6 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Try using "exit interviews" in the keywords field of the search page and search the HR Documents 911 section of the forum. I turned up threads on the subject that way.

    Tammy Binford
    This week's Forum moderator

  • njjel...we do one here with a basic form I put together to try and gauge the temperment of the individuals leaving our company. I will conduct and exit interview with anyone who is willing to do so. Most are employees leaving of their own accord. The questions basically give the exiting employee a chance to tell me why and what their desicion was based on. I have found some very interesting things out and have been able stop some less than professional activites. I only share this information with the President and we can decide what course of action we need to take. I'll shoot you a copy if you are interested.

  • Yes please. My fax is 856 964 0228 or email at [url]www.Jlutz@lsnj.org[/url]. Thank you much.
  • We do exit interviews but I can't get to it, the supervisor must initiate the exit interview and the url is sent to the employee leaving. I did check out hr.com, they have an exit interview in their free downloads section under Free forms/reports.
  • Yes, I do exit interviews. I generally do them solo as it seems the ee is more comfortable talking with just me, especially if they are a termination. We have a basic form and I do follow the outline :-)
  • 8/26/04-I am looking for an exit interview form to use as a base for a new one.I would appreciate it if you could e-mail one to me at [email]DKPayne@theflyer.net[/email] or my fax is 813.623.3983. Thanks so much. Donice Payne, CEBS, The Flyer, Tampa
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