advancement obstacle?

We have a manager that has shown a great deal of potential and is primed to move up in the organization. Unfortunately, he is afraid of flying. While he can usually avoid timely delays in his current job, this could prove to be a problem should he be promoted and have responsibility for a larger area and need to be at various corporate and other meetings on short notice as well. Any thoughts as to how we might help him with this issue?


  • 6 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Couple of shots of whiskey before he boards?

    Just kidding. I'm fresh out of ideas, but maybe you could try meeting with the fellow and letting him know you're interested in promoting him to the new position. Give him a copy of the job description and let him know what the job entails. If at that point he tells you he's afraid of flying, let him know that it is essential to the new position and trains and automobiles are not an option due to time efficiency issues. If you have an EAP, you could give him their information for him to follow up on. Short of you changing the job functions for him, or him suddenly over coming his fear of flying, there's not much else to do. I would love to be a singer, but I can't sing. I would love to work in Oregon, but I live in Washington. Not every job is for every person. Obstacles to success are just that sometimes, obstacles. It's up to him to over come or not. Just my thoughts.

  • Drugs!x:-)

    Ok, seriously, tell him to talk to his doctor about his fear because I know an employee here who went to her doctor about fear of flying and needing to fly and the doctor prescribed a very mild form of ativan for her. She said it worked great and she is able to handle flying much better than before.

    Of course medications aren't always the best answer, but sometimes it's the answer that works.
  • Hypnosis works great. Tell him to go to a psychologist. My daughter is a psychologist and has hypnotisted several folks for fear of flying and many other reasons. It really works.
  • When the goin' gets tough.....the tough get goin'.

    - Bluto
  • Could any of these last minute meetings be done through video conferencing? Just wondering if there are other alternatives. Without the travel, time could be saved for other tasks. This may not be an option but then again ....
  • At some of the airports, the are special "courses" to help people get over their fear of flying. The final session, of course, is a flight. I would check with the nearest big airport.
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