State Employment Law Summaries

We have plants in several states, Puerto Rico, and Mexico. I am looking for good summaries of state laws for those places, i.e., any law which is specific to the location of the plant.

RI, OH, IL, CA, GA, CT, Puerto Rico, Mexico


  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • BLR (Business & Legal Reports) publishes excellent, thorough material on the laws peculiar to each of the 50 states.
  • I agree with you completely, Don. BLR does publish some very through and good information for each state...but it is a lot to go through, not to mention a lot of material stored to be on my shelves. I do have CA in the BLR "What to Do About Personnel Problems."

    AIM (Associated Industries of Massachusetts) publishes a small brochure which summarizes state laws along with a reference to chapter and verse. I found it a very useful, quick look-up tool and am looking for something like it for other states.
  • That is an excellent question. We've actually been busily preparing a similar product here. My esteemed colleague, and fellow Forum Moderator Tammy Binford, is spearheading the project. Unfortunately, we're not going to include Mexico or Puerto Rico at this time. I'll be happy to give you a heads up when our product hits the shelves.

    Anne Williams
    Attorney Editor
    M. Lee Smith Publishers, LLC
  • Thank you, Anne. I hope it comes out soon!

    There is definitely a need. My husband also works in HR for a multi-state company and the corporate office is frequently unaware of state specific laws. I want to avoid that mistake in this company.
  • Check out the US Employer's Guide (Greenspan - Summers Press, Inc.)

    It's reasonably priced, updated annually and covers federal law with state supplements for all 50 states.
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