Revised Doctor Note

I have an ee who has been out "sick" since 7/7. (see Enforcing Policies thread)
He went to the doctor on 7/8 received dr note covering for 7/8 & 7/9. Then on 7/13 received a revised doctor note covering 7/8 - 7/13 but the ee only saw doctor on 7/8.

I called the doctor office to find the doctor is on vacation this week and the nurse revised the note due to the ee calling her to do so.
Is this a normal procedure? If it is anyone can just call their doctor and say they feel sick can I have a doctor note for work.

Would you accept the revised dr. note or not?


P.S. The ee has still not come back to work but calls in everyday no one has actually spoken to him he calls before work hours & leaves voice mail.


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • The answer is can a note from a doctor stating that you were one of the just have to find a doc who will do that...and that's not too hard, depending on where you live. First, go back and look at Pork's last post off your original thread. Then draft a letter outling everything Pork said, make sure it's detailed in regard to the EE's failure to follow policy and/or protocol, demand that the EE contact you directly (NO voice-mail) and mention that failure to do so may result in termination of employment. Set a realistic timeframe for the contact. Then send the letter by Registered mail. If there has been no contact by the deadline terminate employment.
  • We also ran into this situation with a recent termination...there are some threads about it...apparently not all dr's sign their own "excuses" some have nurses or office staff do this. I understand the need to push paperwork through. And the dr's office was testy with us for questions it's business practices.

    Our plan is to revise the dr's note requirement to requiring an original signature. Not a computer printed copy (my dentist routinely uses these)...we have to be cautious because the guidelines for FMLA detail what types of certification are acceptable.
  • Follow up -

    The ee was finally terminated on 7/16/04 due to excessive absences and tardies.

  • Obviously, the ee does not want to work. I would review my attendance policy, if possible send the ee a letter of notice that the ee is expected and needed at work, give the ee a short deadline to be back at work or expect that the ee's actions lead to cancelation of the "employer/employee relationship".

    Doctor's excuses are only that, and if one is abusing the system one should expect the outcome to be as written. We do terminate even with doctor's excuses, physician's papers do not put product on the floor. Our position has been held up by the UI office and numerous hearings over the last 5 years. Our ees know we do not play that game and neither does the State UI office.

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