Hourly Associate reporting to an hourly associate

I know there is no law against...or is there in Tennessee? We are opening a new department with the majority of the new team reporting to an exempt-level supervisor. The exception: there will be an hourly administrative assistant reporting to an hourly lead employee. What are your thoughts on this type of arrangement? What are the pitfalls? There is not a business need just someone with some (not all) power coming up with a new idea. Our current structure is non-exempt employees reporting to exempt level managers/supervisors.

Your thoughts and experiences are welcome.


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I assume that you're worried that the arrangement would somehow jeopardize the status of the non-exempt lead employee. Don't worry about it. The Wage and Hour folks are concerned with people who are classified as exempt, but who perform non-exempt jobs, and are therefore potentially being cheated out of overtime. You seem to have the opposite arrangement, so I don't see a FLSA problem here.
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