Workplace gossip

I am hoping someone has some suggestions on how to curb workplace gossip. Our employees work in the health industry and many are spread out working in individual homes. We still have the problem of people talking about co-workers, the agency and confidential matters. Does anyone have some policies in place or effective ways to handle this situation? Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Confirm that your source is a reliable one. Assuming they ARE reliable, approach the gossiper directly - tell them what you've been told, ask for their explanation.
If they admit (they probably won't) to sharing confidential info with inappropriate persons, follow your confidentiality and disciplinary policies.
If they deny (they probably will) sharing confidential info, advise them that you investigate every report of such behavior. I ask them what they might have said that could have been interpreted as sharing confidential info. That usually gets me closer to what really happened.
Then review your confidentiality policy and follow disciplinary procedure if appropriate.