Company Celebration

We just had a big discussion in our executive meeting about rather there is any liability for an alcohol related mishap, at a company sponsored event even if the company does not furnish alcohol? This is particularly relating to MN. Help ME Out.


  • 7 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • There is a lawyer on every corner who will attempt to convince a jury that the company knew or should have known that alcohol was consumed at a company event prior to the accident. BYOB won't help the defense.
  • Yep! The company supports it, allows it, and condones it at a company sponsored event, they'll be drawn in on any litigation. However, in over 15 years of "sponsoring" employer events that have alcohol, I've (thankfully) never been a problem. We negotiate reduced hotel rates and notify the employee pre-event, and work with the local taxi service for a reduced rate (employees notified pre-event) in our attempts to be a "conscientious" employer. All documented "just in case" of course.

  • employer events
    >that have alcohol, I've (thankfully) never been
    >a problem.

    OOPS! I meant to say "I've never HAD a problem with any of our employees or guests"!

  • We heard you the first time!!
  • Alcohol and any deep pocket is like being in the first grade: if you were in the county when Johnny threw the spit wad, you're all staying after school! But, we need more information to really come to a reasoned opinion. Was it apparant to the host BEFORE the incident that someone had been drinking? Did anyone w/authority know, have reason to know there had been drinking? Did the drinking occur on the premises or elsewhere? The facts will ultimately determine whether there is liability. If the co. had nothing to do w/the alcohol, then there probably shouldn't be liability. Will you spend a lot of money defending yourself, even if you get dismissed before it goes to the jury? You betcha! Those of you lucky enough to have mixed alcohol and business for many years w/o trouble, remind me of the farmer who plowed, planted, weeded and harvested on Sundays. After the harvest he smugly told the minister he had had the biggest crop ever. The minister's quick response: "God doesn't pay all his bills in October!" I have had off-site, no company relation whatsoever alcohol issues impact on the company. If I had had a magic bullet I would have used it. Sounds like you had a situation you realy had no control over. Good luck!
  • Sounds like you had a situation
    >you realy had no control over. Good luck!

    I think you must have overlooked post number 2, Shadowfax. No control?
  • I have an article entitled "Alcohol in the Workplace" that addresses company sponsored events if you would like it. Email if you want a copy and I'll send it to you.

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