Termination Policy

Do any of you have a Termination Policy in place that you would care to share? We have recently had to let a couple of people go for various reasons and the ED feels we should have a written policy in place as to how the termination should be handled. i.e. who should terminate, what should be said/not said, how do they get their personal belongings, etc. If you have you you care to share, please email me at [email]jlutz@lsnj.org[/email]


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • We don't have a written policy...but it is always our practice to not permit the individual to return to his/her worksite. While HR is conducting the termination, security is gathering personal belongings, which will be given to the individual. Individuals are always escorted out of the building to their car by security.

    HR covers the reason for termination, benefit issues, final paycheck and all of that. The same information is repeated in a letter sent the next day. This way they have the information (especially benefit/pay issues) in writing, in case we didn't have their full attention during the meeting.

    I hope this helps.
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