Request to arrest on site....

Just a curious situation -
I received a phone call today from a police officer asking if we had this person employed here. I said, yes but they are on leave currently. The PO asked when the ee is expected back I told him, he then said, that should they not be able to find him prior to this date that they will call me so we can set it up for a private less disruptive arrest.

WHAT? I was flabbergasted. xflash

What would you do in this scenario?
1) Nothing
2) Call EE
3) Wait to hear
4) Other, please specify.


  • 13 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I've always allowed access but looked for ways to do it in a less embarrassing manner. One way is to provide the officer information on the employees start time, vehicle desciption etc. and have them intercept him/her in the parking lot.

    I know this can create some ER issues but frankly I'd rather have a relationship with the local PD that makes them want to come out when WE need them.
  • I had a similar situation a few years back. Although unlike you, I got no notice. Two officers arrived, they asked if we could speak in private. They informed me of the arrest warrant and that they had tried unsucessfully to find him for weeks. They asked if I could go onto the production floor and bring the employee to my office. The officers assured me that they would do everything possible not to be disruptive and to take the employee into custody and out of the building with 5 minutes. The process was smooth, the employee knew they would find him, and he went quietly.

    What should you do? If it were me, I would do nothing. The situation might be resolved before the employee returns. Please let us know how this turns out!
  • We had a similar situation and we handled it the same HR in CA handled it. It went smoothly.
  • I have had this happened a couple of times. Most of the time w/ no notice. Police came during the middle of the day and stated they had an arrest warrant for the employee. To cause less disruption, I told the manager I needed to see the employee and to walk him up to my office. It was not disruptive and his fellow co-workers didn't see him leave with handcuffs. He was back at work a day later very apologetic about the whole ordeal.
  • You can't tell the EE in advance....if he/she runs and the police find out you tipped them off, then you could be facing charges of obstruction.

    NOT worth the phone call!!!
  • A similar situation... we had the FBI show up one day to question and possibly take into custody an ee. This ee had been accused of making threatening comments to President Bush on the internet somehow (never got the whole story). We have a conference room directly across from the main lobby. We had the ee's supervisor escort him to the conference room where the FBI did their questioning. Then they left after being satisfied the ee was not a threat. It was kept very confidential.
  • We have a great relationship with local authorities. It comes with our work with troubled teens, working to keep teens out of the juvenile justice system and our work with truancy sweeps. We cooperate as fully as possible with these guys because when we need them, they respond quickly. Occasionally our clients bring messy, emotional problems to our workplace and they can get a bit out of hand. When that happens, the gendarmes respond. We like that.
  • Thanks everyone it was just a shock. I wouldn't have called the ee but wanted to get a feel for what other would do in this type of scenario.

    I will keep you updated on the future events.
  • Well, how'd this one go? Did they use cuffs or a wire-tie?
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 06-21-04 AT 02:20PM (CST)[/font][br][br]Have not heard anything yet. The ee is expected to return on 6-28. If he shows at all.

    Since none of those who responded to this ever received notice from PO do you think it could be a hoax, to see what info I would give or ask the person calling. Just alittle too bizarre.

    Is there a way to confirm this with PD?

    Lisa x:-/

  • I have been suspicious of identity a couple of times. I ask for their phone number and name so I can call them back. Then I pull out the old phone book, call the department in question and ask to be connected.

    It is not to scientific, but works for me.
  • Well, it was two days ago............?
  • No call from PD and ee showed up on 6/28.

    Case closed for now I guess.
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