Meeting & Prayer

Two upper management members held a meeting with some staff members to try to rectify a personality conflict between the two. At the conclusion of the meeting one of the upper management asked the group to bow their heads for a word of prayer! One of the staff members have come to me to object to this. Now what would you all recommend?


  • 11 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Talk to the manager and help him or her understand that not everyone believes the same way and that the ending upset one on the staff members. Hopefully, the manager will want to apologize for the assumption that was made and even more hopefully, won't allow the complaint to cause resentment that will mess up the working relationship between the two.
  • Does this type of thing expose us, the company, to any type of law suit?
  • Your biggest exposure would be if you didn't act quickly to rectify the situation. Agree with Gillian's approach, and hopefully the manager will WANT to apologize to the person who was offended. Your offended employee would be hard pressed to make a case in front of an agency or in court if he complained about the problem, the offender apologized, and no further instances of this type happened since.
  • Can't think of an employment law that was violated. It is just that the workplace is not the place for imposing ones religious preference, or lack thereof, on others. Counsel the offended employee and perhaps have the manager apologize as indicated in Gillian's post. One prayer is not a cause for a lawsuit -- for heaven's sake. Make sure no retaliation occurrs because of the complaint.
  • No, it is just a disruptive event like all the others we have to deal with. I suppose it could stretch into an issue if the manager insisted on closing every meeting with this employee with a prayer, knowing all along that it wasn't acceptable. Then add in that it is contrary to the employees own religious preference and you have the makings of a lawsuit. It's a long way from a lawsuit.
  • No lawsuit, but lots of potential residual issues. Aside from the morale problems, the employee could blame the next bad evaluation or disciplinary action on the fact that he/she complained about the "forced" prayer.
  • NJJEL: Were you a party to this meeting? Do you know which senior member suggested or announced this next agenda item? Given, now that I have a complaint about the event, I would be forced to discuss the event with the party that brought the group to the next agenda item, "the prayer". Do not under any circumstance inform the senior executive of the identification of the complaintant; you'll receive any number of approaches to get the identify from you but you must not go there!

    I believe in pray as much as the next religious person, but, unless your company is religious based, it is not appropriate (my opinion) to surprise someone into partaking of religious opportunity without their consent. I was taught that deeply meaningful pray is accomplished best in harmony with thou Lord. To hold a pray in a group like this tells me the leader had a hidden agenda, or was seeking some confirmation of his sencerity by conducting a prayer over the full agenda and purpose of the meeting.

    May each of you be Blessed for being in and on this world on this date and time! Remember, none of us know, when we might loose this status. So be happy and seek inner peace, when you can.


  • "May each of you be Blessed for being in and on this world on this date and time! Remember, none of us know, when we might loose this status. So be happy and seek inner peace, when you can."


    Seriously - amen and amen again. I will be away for about a month on medical leave. You and anyone else on the forum who believe in sincere prayer should feel free to include me in yours.

  • Aha, Dasher, I know what's up! You're getting those dreadlocks slicked out flat! Just kidding x:-), best of luck and prayers to you and a speedy recovery. Hurry back. I will take names while you're out. Don D.
  • Will be sending good thoughts Dasher. You will be missed here so hurry back.
  • No Way, Don! How else would you all recognize me? Besides, they are just too cute.

    Thanks for the thoughts and prayers. With those good wishes, Sonny, I will be back in a flash.

    Take care.

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