Audiometric (Hearing) Test -What to do with employees who miss the testing

We are a plant of 250 employees. Under OSHA standards we conduct audiometric testing for about 150 of these employees. We use an outside mobile service. However, we have employees, for a variety of reasons, who miss the testing. Since this is a mobile service we can’t just call them back for retesting within a reasonable period of time. Consequently, we have conducted testing for those who missed, using local medical doctors or audiologist, but then that data does not always translate well to our outside testing company. We have already tried using the local folks to do the testing full time, but that was a disaster.

??As long as we make a good faith effort, if an employee cannot attend or fails to show for hearing test have we met our obligation? I think I know the answer, but I have to at least ask.

??Also, I am thinking about doing our own testing and train my 2 HR Administers. What are your thoughts or experience on this?


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • We used to have an issue where people just did not go to the screenings. Then we started making them go to the audiologist on their own time. No one missed this year that was not on vacation or sick.

    You have not met your obligation if you don't screen them.

    I don't understand how the data does not transfer. I thought they test if you hear certain frequencies. You either hear 'em or you don't.

    We would not even consider doing our own testing. We have too much to do anyway.
  • Thanks, for your advice. I figured my obligation would not change, but it never hurts to hope.
  • You cannot do your own testing, reasonably, in my opinion. The investment in equipment, analysis software and ongoing training requirements would run you ragged. How far away is the mobile lab located? I would consider scheduling them on three separate days for that many ees and make it obligatory that the ees make one of those dates or face disciplinary action. They would have to have about 3 or 4 testing stations in the mobile lab for 50 per day. Another reason we use the mobile folks is they handle the medical questionnaires and they run those through a doctor for his review and they certify it all as accurate and the monkey is on their back as far as the test and it's results and medical analysis.
  • Thank you. You make an excellent point concerning the medical review. That's something we certainly do not want to get into doing.
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