Compliance Info

Can someone help me? I am looking for a listing of HR Employment compliance deadlines and the due dates (for example, AAP, EEO-1, FMLA, Etc.) Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Check GNeil's website. They used to have a link titled "Free Labor Law Compliance Resources" or something to that effect. It had something similar to what you described plus other gee-whiz stuff like retention guidelines for different documents, etc. I have a hard copy, but unfortunately it is in my TN office and I am at our GA plant for the next few days.

  • Conehead, not sure what you mean by a 'compliance deadline' or 'due date' for something like FMLA. Is your company required by the government to have an affirmative action plan? I think the EEO-1 is due the end of October. The EEOC website will tell you. Can you be more specific?
  • CONEHEAD: Now that is a name for this forum, you have come to the right place for help. With only 1 posting, I assume you are a new member of the forum and probably from your question a new member to the HR arena. "Dandy Don" the post ahead of me is quite right in his request for more information. "Dandy Don" and I have been at this HR game for so long, we do not remember the dates for compliance it just happens. Tell us more and does the conehead name relate to your line of business? Pork is my name and Pork is my game, we are not the processor, but we are the producer in our great State of Mississippi. Again aboard!

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