Termination Letter

We've terminated an employee for job abandonment, who also happens to have been a major problem employee. Employee has requested a written reason on letterhead, which I am comfortable with, just wondering what your experiences may have been with such requests and/or what your recommendation is.



  • 6 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I don't think you do the Co a favor by giving the ee a written reason.Generally, nothing good can come of it. Resist. Better yet: refuse.
  • I agree with Shadowfax, but some states require you to provide a letter if requested...........as long as your state does not require it don't worry.
    My $0.02 worth!
    DJ The Balloonman
  • I concur. Do not do it. I'm amazed at the number of people who will say, "You are legally required to give me that in writing." Hogwash.

    Having said that, our corporation requires it, so we do it. The termination letter I use is individually crafted and very detailed and can be over a page long. I do it that way so I can produce it in UI hearings as the specific reasoning that led to termination, the chronology of misdeads and so there will be no misunderstanding as to the reason the ee was told he was terminated. It would also serve as a guide to me in preparing an EEOC position response should I have to do that months later when I would have to resurrect it all anyway.

    In my case, the document really serves MY purposes moreso than it does his.
  • I concur with "Dandy Don's" current employer and the reasoning is as he stipulated it becomes a strong piece os evidence to later provide to the UI/or/EEOC inquiry. I have found that both governmental agencies tend to lean more favorable toward your company position, if you can provide proof that the ee with whom they have listened can be proven a liar with the first point in the x-ee's story. They did in fact know why they were terminated!

  • We're just the opposite. We give a very detailed letter outlining the reason for the termination and the policies/procedures that the ee violated thus backing the termination!
  • Advantages to both.............but anything provided can an will be used against you. Even if it looks like it is innocent.
    My $0.02 worth!
    DJ The Balloonman
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