Discipline Policy for Accidents?

Is anyone using an effective system leading to discipline for multiple accidents? We seem to have some employees who have a lot, whether minor or significant. Others never have any. We have a "carrot" whereby employees meeting certain other criteria plus remaining accident-free, are eligible for prize drawings. However, it seems like we still need to consider some type of "stick."



  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 05-25-04 AT 06:22PM (CST)[/font][br][br]Yes, you can discipline for "accidents'...but it's based upon the employee being careless or negligent or using poor judgement, or violating policy or performnace requirements, etc., that had a signficant consequence, not for having an accident as it may not have been within the control of the employee to avoid in the first place.

    It is possible to discipline for these things even if there were no accident. It's the act or lac of it that's important not necessairly the consequnce, although that certainly can be taken into account.
  • Knowledgeable safety professionals do not 'discipline for accidents'. Rather they discipline for safety violations. If you can clearly relate accidents, incidents and near misses to violations of your safety procedures and safety policy, then certainly discipline should follow, immediately. Those who violate safety policies should be disciplined with the same degree of 'exactness' as those who violate attendance or performance policies. A good safety program has a discipline stick way out toward the front of the policy. There's no carrot in safety. Most of us do not reward people for doing what they should do in the first place.
  • Ditto, focus on policy violations. This means that the person hurt, may or may not have violated a policy. Just because there is an accident does not mean there is a write up.
    My $0.02 worth!
    DJ The Balloonman
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