Retail "uniforms" in california?

does anyone know the status of pending lawsuits in California regarding retail apparel employees who claim their company's policy on wardrobing/dress code violates state law by strongly encouraging them to buy and wear only their store's brand of clothing?


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I don't know the status, but the background is that state labor regulations require that companies that require "uniforms" buy and maintain them. As far as I know the enforcement agency still sees this sort of requirement as a uniform, notwithstanding the fact that the employee can wear the clothes somewhere else.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 04-20-04 AT 08:42PM (CST)[/font][br][br][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 04-20-04 AT 08:40 PM (CST)[/font]

    The latest outcome that I'm aware of was Aber & Fitch settled for 2 million to be paid back to the employees. This was in June 2003, I believe.

    I know there were a number of lawsuits about this in CA at one time, and I believe some are still pending, but I think they will settle also.

    I noticed you put that the companies
    "strongly encouraged" employees to wear their clothes. The employees were arguing that they weren't allowed to wear anything else, and that's what made it a "uniform".
    It seemed to be a common practice among Designer Retailers. If this is a practice at your locations in CA I would consider changing it quickly.

    And welcome to the Forum!

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