Time it takes to fill open positions

Where can I go to find information on the average number of days it takes to fill open positions? (Sales, Technical, Administrative, etc.)


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Time to fill is going to very for every organization, industry, position, department, etc. It also depends on what the market is doing in general as well as industry-wise. Some org's have very long and intensive processes associated with hiring. Some hire after a 5 minute interview with two different candidates. Some do extensive interviewing, drug tests, background checks, etc. Some hiring managers drag their feet, some don't. Some recruiters don't know what they're doing, some don't. It all depends.

    I work for a global high tech company that has been around for several decades. We're very well networked and pride ourselves in our "sourcing" abilities. We currently have about 5000 ee's. We usually do phone screens, first interviews, second interviews, then drug testing, reference checking, and background (criminal) checking. We have a signature process for offer approval (usually spans 5-6 people in the hierarchy). Our process usually takes between 60-90 days for mid-level positions. Admin/clerical and manufacturing positions generally take 30-60 days. For really tough positions (like PhD level or senior management) usually take 90 days+.

    As you probably have already guessed I mainly function as a recruiter. x:D
  • Be wary of anyone in your company heirarchy (or elsewhere) who throws a figure out there and tells you that it's a standard or an average or an objective. Cinderella is right. But there are people out there in company management and consulting work who will give you those meaningless goals and who will even sit on a stool and watch to see if you achieve them.
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