PTO Dilemma

We have a lot of very crafty and manipulative people working for us that have learned to work the system to their advantage (a bit of cynicism here). Anyway...we have Paid Time Off vs. vacation and sick time and require employees to use time in their PTO bank vs. Leave without Pay. This keeps them from building up massive amounts of PTO in their banks.

Question is: Some of our employees work schedules that are dependent on them being here at certain times such as to see patients. If they aren't here when patients are here, then they don't have work to do.

Others are more flexible...such as in Payroll or Business Office. If they come in late or need to take an hour or two off during the day, they can easily make it up...even if they have time in their PTO banks.

The employees that don't have this option feel it's unfair that the others do have the option.

How would you guys handle this issue. Would you make everyone adhere to the same policy, even though their jobs are very different or would you continue to allow this flexible scheduling.

With the different types of jobs and schedules we have in a medical practice, it's very difficult to have a "one size fits all" type policy on this. If everyone worked 8:30 to 5:00 PM, it would be easier.

Help would be appreciated.


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • No one said life is fair. Those who treat paitents may also be compensated at a higher rate. I do not think it is unreasonable to have slightly different flexibility with scheduling due to their position. This is reality.

    My $0.02 worth!
    DJ The Balloonman
  • We keep trying to find the "one size fits all" policy here too...and it just doesn't work.

    The fact is, those that do telephone work, must be in their seats when the lines open. Period.

    Those that perform administrative functions, especially for the executives, may not need to be here promptly at 8; however, I guarantee, that they have days that they don't leave on-time, either. If the executive has a late meeting, the assistant is here too. No OT.

    Our Mailroom staff is off every Post-office holiday, even when the rest of the business is open (President's Day, for example)...

    It almost helps to think of us as separate entities. EE's often say it isn't fair...but each position comes with it's own headaches, and perks.

    The only thing you can really do is offer to have them apply for any open positions in the area that they seem to think has it so much better.
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