Instant Message at Work

We are upgrading to Lotus Notes 6.5, which has an Instant Message feature. We've configured it so that ee's may only IM other internal ee's. AND we're encouraging the use of the IM instead of email, whenever possible, for internal communication to reduce the burdon on the email server.

I'm curious to see if anyone has a separate policy for dealing with IM...or if this is just included in your electronic communication policies.

I'm seeing potential issues because these will not be retrievable by our IT department...and no record is created. IF an ee is aware enough, it seems possible to cut and paste the offending also has a save feature...which would help if an investigation was needed. But I see the harassment potential looming....


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • We banned all outside IM services from our network as one they are not work related, and two they are a security risk. However I do not have any idea about the lotus im feature.
    My $0.02 worth!
    DJ The Balloonman
  • Are you totally sure they aren't retrievable? It seems like everything is retrievable these days. Especially if this is some fancy new version - I would be surprised if good ole IBM didn't figure out a way to make them retrievable. Of course, if they aren't then you may be in a pickle as far as dealing with "personal use of company property" type issues. However, in harassment type situations the "plaintiffs" need to know that they should save any instant messages that need to be reported. Who knows if that will fly though.
  • We did some research on this - it isn't impossible to retrieve (nothing is!) but you have to work really hard at it.

  • We use IM and in most situations it is very useful, like when I'm on a conference call and someone needs to speak to me NOW. One can cut and paste the correspondence into word to save it, it didn't take me long to figure that out. The worst thing about IM to me is that random people that I hardly speak to send me an IM when it should really be a Lotus Note or phone call - I do not think it is appropriate to use IM for detailed information, not do I think it is appropriate to assume the receiver wants to be interrupted to answer the question you feel is so terribly important when it really isn't. I have set up my IM so that only those with whom I have ligitimate business needs can see that I am active. Signing off isn't always an option because there are times when it is really important for someone to reach me by IM.

    Sorry so long, it has its good points as well as bad, just wanted to give you my opinions on it. We do not have a seperate policy but it falls within our corporate communication policy - use for business purposes only, etc.
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