Employee access to their personnel file

Many states have laws which regulate employees' access to their personnel files. Does anyone know where to find state specific information for Texas?

I've searched the Texas Workforce Commission and Department of Labor websites. Any others ideas?


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • The forum has talked about PF access. I would do a search on here. I seem to think someone did have a guide on state laws, but not 100% sure. Do you have a local Dept of Labor office that you could call? In PA, you can call the Career Link and get a phone number for the Dept of Labor.
  • I have to tell you that when I first saw your post listed, I was scanning fast and thought it was asking about 'employees having access to their personal LIFE'. Often we don't give that opportunity do we?

    Sorry for the interruption. I do think a telephone call to the Workforce Commission will get your answer. Ask them to cite a reference number for you and if possible fax or email you the section of the law. Often they will shoot from the hip and not be accurate.

    Note: The preceeding is my personal opinion and has no value beyond that. Although it may be 'sorta offensive' or 'indeed offensive' to someone out there, it is offered without regard to that possibility. Should you find yourself alarmed by my post, you may privately mail me to protest or you may alert the principal's office. x:-)
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