
We are now allowing some employees to work at home. I am attempting to rework there job descriptions to include this. I am looking for help in putting these together.


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Make sure each employee knows what information they are allowed to take home and what is confidential and can not leave the office. If it is written on their job descriptions, they can't say they didn't know.
  • Do they have to work a set shift or are their hours flexible? I would clarify that.
    IF they'll have PC's they have to be willing to trouble shoot problems either on their own or with the help of the vendor/IT Dept.

  • Don't forget the physical limitations and safety concerns. Whether they are working at home or in your office your company is still responsible for their W/C claims, unless they become independant contractors and provide their own medical and property damage coverages. Independant contractors must have a Fed ID and pay their own taxes. Just having someone working at home is a real nightmare due to legal precautions. Contact your corporate attorney and get his/her direct input before you go "green" with this project. I did and it was money well spent and I dropped the idea to have an in house nurse become our medical 3rd party administrator. We did it, but we built an office and put the funtion in our building instead of at her home where she was doing our work and the administration of three other company medical plans in the same community. We paid her and the other companies paid us for the service. It worked fine for several years, until the main company went belly-up, and she moved her office back home and we severed our relationship.

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