Child Support Deductions

We have been deducting child support for an employee under an order from a state agency. They have ordered this discontinued & closed their case file on him. The employee has now given us a copy of a court order regarding his partial payment of college expenses, stating "payment shall be made directly to the Petitioner and by wage assignment to be considered in the nature of child support." By this, are we "directed" to make this deduction and payment for him? If not, can we do this at his request? Are we required to do so at his request?


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Mary, this should be posted on the HR Employment session. It would get much more attention.

    To answer your question, wage executions ususally come directly to the employer from the court. Seems strange that the employee handed it to you. I would call the court clerk (should be listed on the excution) and find out what your responsibilty is.
  • Mary: I would not allow my company to make a payroll deduction without a court order; this includes the Department of Education. They do issue "liget" garnishment orders, we have several in force, all came direct from the Department of Education. Advise your ee to make contact with them and come to an agreement on the amount of payment each paycheck and to give his employer documentation on which to base a garnishment action.

  • In this case, he did give me a copy of a court order indicating he needs to help pay for college tuition and it mentions wage assignment. I was just hesitant where a state agency was not directing me. I think I will call the clerk of court. Thanks for your response.
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