Employment Offer

Hi All,

I am in the state of NY, and I was recently offered a position via telephone and email. After the offer I was informed there would be a post- employment screening to screen for a criminal background/credit check/etc.

To this date I have not received an official offer letter, nor a disclaimer on the post-employment screening- you know based on the outcome of your background check we can deny continued employment - and here's the kicker based on their offer I already resigned my current position.

Is post employment screening customary w/o a "we may rescind this offer letter"?

Lost in Limbo!


  • 8 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 03-17-04 AT 09:09PM (CST)[/font][br][br]It is quite common for professionals to be hired with the disclaimer you received. We often go ahead and hire people and in the offer letter mention something like: 'This offer and your retention are contingent upon your successfully passing our standard company drug screen, physical and background investigation.' If you have already accepted and begun the new job, and have heard nothing to the contrary, you might inquire of your manager, just to allay your curiosity. Otherwise, people who quit jobs based on such conditional offers do so at their own peril and should know their own potential for failure of investigations.

    (edit) An email offer is an official offer.

    Note: The preceeding is my personal opinion and has no value beyond that. Although it may be 'sorta offensive' or 'indeed offensive' to someone out there, it is offered without regard to that possibility. Should you find yourself alarmed by my post, you may privately mail me to protest or you may alert the principal's office. x:-)
  • EXCELLANT advice and reply Don - as usual!
  • Honey, Baby, Sweetheart: (Oh, oh, that could be offensive) Am I allowed to mail you if I'm not offended or alarmed? I wouldn't want to waste a perfectly good email just to grumble and whine.
  • Don I missed ya! xhugs

    Is the bottom note going to be your standard "closing" from now on? x:P
  • Note: The preceeding is my personal opinion and has no value beyond that. Although it may be 'sorta offensive' or 'indeed offensive' to someone out there, it is offered without regard to that possibility. Should you find yourself alarmed by my post, you may privately mail me to protest or you may alert the principal's office. x:-)

    Since it's been commented on several times; I typed it in to the signature section of my profile so that it appears automatically. Posting is not that enjoyable anymore, but, if I do, it'll be part of the post, unless I decide it won't be.
  • Dandy Don don't worry if your opinion offends someone. F*&k em if they can't take some honest straight forward feedback!! That is the whole purpose of this.............if no one is ever offended then you are just telling them what they want to hear, not what they NEED to hear.
    Besides if you saw the pricipal at the one high school where I live, you would want to be sent to her office! :-D
    My $0.02 worth.
    DJ The Balloonman

  • Well, do what you feel you need to do but remember that most of us love ya either way xhugs
  • Good reason to never resign until you have the offer letter in hand. We always preface our LOH's with employment being contingent on completion of a successful background investigation.

    But.....as Don said....if you have an email that the job was offered to you, I believe this would be a valid employment offer and you acted in good faith in resiging your current position.

    I'd simply call and ask the company when you could expect your LOH and when your start date would be. Sounds like something happened in the hiring process and they might be ignoring the "offer" they made to you.

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