
We are terminating an employee at the end of this month from one portion of the agency for not completing probationary status. This employee will remain working for another program one day a week depending on funding. We are concerned for her unemployment, for she has not been considered a full time regular employee with our agency, I feel unemployment benefits will be denied.
Has anyone dealt with a similiar situation?

Thanks! Mary


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • If an employee causes him/her self to become unemployed (ie involuntary termination - not a layoff) then the employee is denied benefits. Do you want this person to be eligible for unemployment? If we have employees who are terminated for whatever reason (other than layoff or elimination of position) I always file for non-charging. If they are not performing the duties of the job then they have caused themselves to be terminated thus not eligible for unemployment benefits. Don't know if this completely answers your question but maybe it's a start.
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