
I have an ee who does not qualify for FMLA. Her hire date is 9/03. She will be leaving to have a baby, we let her know that we can not hold her position. Chances are the position she will be leaving will be available when she is ready to come back to work. How do I handle the details of rehiring her? Can I pay her the same wages she was making before she left? If she is only out for a month can I reset her original hire date to 10/03? We definitely want this ee to come back. Does she have to have a new hire date as to the date she comes back?



  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Sit her down and tell her, "Mary we think you are great, but you know per our policy if you are out so long we must terminate your employment. Once you are able to return to work, come back, and if we have an opening you can start the next day, otherwise as soon as we have the opportunity we will rehire you." Now I base the above on the notion that she understands you are going to terminate her employment, and that you do not have the ability to give her an unpaid personnal leave, which would solve all of your problems.
    My $0.02 worth.
    DJ The Balloonman
  • Yes, she is very aware that her employment will be terminated. Thanks for your input.

  • > otherwise as soon as we
    >have the opportunity we will rehire you."

    You had me until this point...a point of minutia to be sure...but I would never tell ANY candidate that they have guaranteed employment. It sounds too much like a verbal contract.
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