Female ee found it on her clipboard...

We are a manufacturing co. mostly men but in one specific area there is 1 female. This morning when she came into work she found an inappropriate picture attached to her clipboard.

She left at 3:30 yesterday and we had others here until 4:30 when she arrived at 6am the picture was there.

I am starting my investigation first by pulling all timecards for any ee's who where here past 3:30 I have approx 20 - 25. How do I go about weeding out some of them and proceeding?

This is my first experience with this type of situation any advise is GREATLY appreciated.



  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Fortunately for you the HRhero HR Tip of The Week is on how to conduct an investigation, which includes a handy-dandy check list. Good luck.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 02-27-04 AT 02:17PM (CST)[/font][br][br]Thanks Crout - I forgot about that I will check it out. I didn't think I needed it (am I Bad) so I never looked at it.

    I checked out the checklist and have done a semi-quick investigation but no one that I have spoken to witnessed anything this morning or yesterday.

    So this afternoon I will be conducting a company-wide mtg to go over the ramifications of anyone caught making remarks, gestures or displaying anything that can be perceived inappropriate by another individual.

    Is there something else I should be addressing?
    The disciplinary would be depending on what the occurance is but a minimum would be a written w/3 day suspension w/o pay to termination.

  • Just a follow up -
    I had the mtg with all ee's got alot of blank looks but I was told I got the point across.

    Thanks for listening.

    Lisa xB-)
  • When you investigated, did it include interviewing the female employee? If you have any kind of pervasive atmosphere, your interview with her should have been an indicator. If she has not been "forthcoming" perhaps this was an isolated incident, or perhaps she is concerned about retaliation within her shift.

    It sounds like you took decisive action, but I am wondering about the need for follow-up with this EE to make sure she knows it is OK for her to come forward. Perhaps other incidents are going on that are not so blatant and she is just not telling you.
  • Marc,
    To answer your questions, yes I did speak with the EE, she did not know who may have left the item on her clipboard and she did not want to speculate, the supervisors who are aware of the incident have someone in mind but can not prove it.

    That is why we did a company wide meeting. Prior to the meeting I spoke to the EE and informed her that if at any time after the meeting she had a problem to come and see me.

    She may have felt afraid to come see me fearing a retaliation but after the mtg she was very appreciative and thanked us for our quick response.

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