birth date required on background application??

Before hiring an applicant, can we do a background check? The background check requires a birthdate! I know I'm not supposed to ask for age during an interview or on the application.



  • 7 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I suggest you only conduct a background investigation AFTER you have made a conditional job offer to the candidate and getting the appropriate release signed by him/her. That insulates you somewhat. Same thing with drug testing or pre-employment physicals. Only do them after you have made a conditional job offer.
  • Agreed. This is especially a good rule to follow should the candidate fall into any protected class.
  • To those who do background checks only after the offer is made, do you at least do basic reference checks before the offer is made? Not sure what the difference between "background" and "reference" checks, but am assuming that background checks could include more thorough criminal and credit reference checking.

    I like to use reference checks as further information to consider when selecting a final candidate after narrowing down to 2 or 3 semi-finalists, so I almost always conduct reference checks before making the offer. We are starting to find that college verifications are asking for birthdates, which we don't have at this point, but have so far been able to get through that question in their automated system since we do have the SSN. We are thinking of asking for DOB from final candidates when conducting reference checks and telling them it's for educational checks only.

    I think there was a question I had in all of this, but now that I've gotten to this point in my reply, I'm not sure if I know what it is.#-o Why is it that short weeks (we had Monday as a holiday) sometimes seem longer than other weeks?x:-/
  • I am in a start up project and have done hired over 200 employees in the last 15 months. Extensive background checks are required on this project. There are options of running background checks using just the applicants socical security number. The release for the background check is completed with the application before the company I use for background checks is contacted. Depending on how critical time is; I prefer to wait and run the check after the offer has been made. But it can be done before the offer is made.
  • Do you have a copy of the application that you use? Does it have a place for SS# and does it have the disclaimer authorizing you to do the background check? I believe George Washington used the apps I am currently using, so they're just a bit outdated.

  • I agree with prior posts. Our organization does criminal background cks (direct e-link with FDLE) & PPD/TB test (state mandate for the nature of our business) as well as drug test and simple physical. We may do limited, generic-type screening (i.e., checking validity of an educational institution referenced in credentials) prior to an interview, but will do basically nothing until the interview has been conducted and the applicant understands that we will be checking. The criminal background check authorization is inserted in the application, and we expect it to be completed at the time the application is completed. We do have to collect race, gender, DOB, and SS# for e-submissions to FDLE, or FDLE will reject our requests for criminal history. HR staff rarely assist in the interview process. To keep interviewing staff from having access to the protected info contained on the authorizations, copies of authorizations are not included with copies of applications going to interviewers. Authorizations for medical tests are signed just prior to tests (post offer) and at the testing location. Applicants are told up front (on an additional insert in the application) that offers for employment are conditional and their refusal to sign an authorization or proceed with screening may be cause to rescind an offer.
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